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Using the Curriculum Helpers

The test runner has access to a few helpers that can assist with testing campers’ code.

CSS Helper

To instantiate the helper within a test block, use this:

const helper = new __helpers.CSSHelp(document);

In that example, the document variable refers to the document object of the test runner’s iframe.


There are a few methods available for parsing and testing CSS.


The .getStyle() method takes a CSS selector and returns a CSS style declaration object.

For example, if the camper has written the following CSS:

body {
background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(118, 201, 255), rgb(247, 255, 222));
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
overflow: hidden;

You would get an object that looks like this:

0: "background-image",
1: "background-position-x",
2: "background-position-y",
3: "background-size",
4: "background-repeat-x",
5: "background-repeat-y",
6: "background-attachment",
7: "background-origin",
8: "background-clip",
9: "background-color",
10: "margin-top",
11: "margin-right",
12: "margin-bottom",
13: "margin-left",
14: "padding-top",
15: "padding-right",
16: "padding-bottom",
17: "padding-left",
18: "width",
19: "height",
20: "overflow-x",
21: "overflow-y",
"accentColor": "",
"additiveSymbols": "",
"alignContent": "",
"alignItems": "",

This method allows you to test that specific properties have been set:

assert.strictEqual(helper.getStyle('body')?.width, '100%');

The helper attaches a .getPropVal() method to the style declaration object that allows you to get the value of a specific property:

assert.strictEqual(helper.getStyle('body').getPropVal('width'), '100%');


The .getCSSRules() takes an at-rule type from the union media | fontface | import | keyframes, and returns an array of CSS rules matching that at-rule.

For example, if the camper has written the following code:

@media (max-width: 100px) {
body {
background-color: green;

Then the returned value of helper.getCSSRules('media') would be this array:

conditionText: "(max-width: 100px)",
cssRules: [
selectorText: 'body',
style: CSSStyleDeclaration,
styleMap: StylePropertyMap,
cssRules: CSSRuleList,
type: 1,
cssText: "@media (max-width: 100px) {\n body { background-color: green; }\n}",

You can then test that the camper has written the correct media query:

const hasCorrectHeight = helper
.some(x => === '3px');


The .getRuleListsWithinMedia() method takes a media text (e.g. ("max-width: 200")) and returns the CSS rules within that media query.

The return result is the equivalent of that media rule’s cssRules property from the return value of .getCSSRules("media").

Less Frequent Methods

These methods are not as commonly used, but are available if needed.


The .getStyleDeclarations() method takes a CSS selector and returns an array of CSS style declaration objects (from the .getStyle() method).


The .isPropertyUsed() method takes a CSS property and checks if it has been set/used anywhere in the camper’s CSS.


The .getStyleRule() method takes a CSS selector and returns the CSS Style Declaration, much like .getStyle(). However, the declaration returned from this method includes an additional .isDeclaredAfter() method which takes a selector and returns whether this rule is declared after the selector passed in.


The .getStyleSheet() method returns the camper’s CSS, parsed into a CSS Style Sheet object.

Strip Content

There are a few methods on the __helpers object to remove content from the camper’s code.

These do NOT need to be instantiated they are static methods.

Removing Comments

Using __helpers.removeCssComments(), __helpers.removeHTMLComments(), or __helpers.removeJSComments() allows you to pass the camper’s code (through the code variable) to remove comments matching the language’s comment syntax.

Removing Whitespace

Using __helpers.removeWhitespace() allows you to pass the camper’s code (through the code variable) to remove all whitespace.

AST-based Helpers

These helpers need to be run in Python and tests that use them need to be in the format:

({ test: () => assert(runPython(`<python code>`)) });

_Node is a chainable class that allows you to call methods on the result of parsing a string. To create an instance of _Node that parses the camper’s code use _Node(_code).

To access a specific statement within the code you need to chain method calls until you reach the desired scope.

For example, if the camper has written the following code:

class Spam:
def __str__(self):
return 'spam!'

To check the return value of __str__ you would write:

test: () =>


The exstensive list of methods for parsing and testing Python code is available here