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Contribute to the Codebase

Follow these guidelines to contribute to the codebase. This is highly recommended if you want to contribute regularly. Ignoring these steps may soil your copy which makes the contributing, maintaining, and reviewing processes difficult.

Contributing to the Codebase

You can now make changes to files and commit your changes to your fork, which you can prepare by reading how to set up freeCodeCamp locally.

Follow these steps:

  1. Validate that you are on the main branch:

    Terminal window
    git status

    You should get an output like this:

    Terminal window
    On branch main
    Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.
    nothing to commit, working directory clean

    If you got a different message, then you aren’t on main or your working directory isn’t clean, resolve any outstanding files/commits and checkout main:

    Terminal window
    git checkout main
  2. Sync the latest changes from the freeCodeCamp upstream main branch to your main fork branch:

    This step will sync the latest changes from the main repository of freeCodeCamp.

    Update your copy of the freeCodeCamp upstream repository:

    Terminal window
    git fetch upstream

    Hard reset your main branch with the freeCodeCamp main:

    Terminal window
    git reset --hard upstream/main

    Push your main branch to your origin to have a clean history on your fork on GitHub:

    Terminal window
    git push origin main --force

    You can validate that your current main matches the upstream/main by performing a diff:

    Terminal window
    git diff upstream/main

    The resulting output should be empty. This process is important, because you will be rebasing your branch on top of the latest upstream/main as often as possible to avoid conflicts later.

  3. Create a fresh new branch:

    Working on a separate branch for each issue helps you keep your work copy clean. You should never work on the main. This will soil your copy of freeCodeCamp and you may have to start over with a fresh clone or fork.

    Check that you are on main as explained previously, and branch off from there:

    Terminal window
    git checkout -b fix/update-guide-for-xyz

    Your branch name should start with a fix/, feat/, docs/, etc. Avoid using issue numbers in branches. Keep them short, meaningful and unique.

    Some examples of good branch names are:

  4. Edit pages and work on code in your favorite text editor.

  5. Once you are happy with the changes you should optionally run freeCodeCamp to preview the changes.

  6. Make sure you fix any errors and check the formatting of your changes.

  7. Check and confirm the files you are updating:

    Terminal window
    git status

    This should show a list of unstaged files that you have edited.

    Terminal window
    On branch feat/documentation
    Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/feat/documentation'.
    Changes were not staged for commit:
    (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in the working directory)
    modified: docs/
    modified: docs/
    modified: docs/
  8. Stage the changes and make a commit:

    In this step, you should only mark files that you have edited or added yourself. You can perform a reset and resolve files that you did not intend to change if needed.

    Terminal window
    git add path/to/my/changed/file.ext

    Or you can add all the unstaged files to the staging area:

    Terminal window
    git add .

    Only the files that were moved to the staging area will be added when you make a commit.

    Terminal window
    git status


    Terminal window
    On branch feat/documentation
    Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/feat/documentation'.
    Changes to be committed:
    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    modified: docs/
    modified: docs/
    modified: docs/

    Now, you can commit your changes with a short message like so:

    Terminal window
    git commit -m "fix: my short commit message"

    Some examples:

    fix: add test for JavaScript - for loop step
    feat: add link for article for alexa skills

    Make a conventional commit message. This is a good practice as a developer, and you will be following standard practices.

    Some examples of conventional commit messages are:

    fix: improve HTML step
    fix: fix build scripts for Travis-CI
    feat: add link to JavaScript hoisting article
    docs: update contributing guidelines

    Keep these short, not more than 50 characters. You can always add additional information in the description of the commit message.

    This does not take any more time than an unconventional message like ‘update file’ or ‘add’

    You can learn more about why you should use conventional commits here.

  9. If you realize that you need to edit a file or update the commit message after making a commit you can do so after editing the files with:

    Terminal window
    git commit --amend

    This will open up a default text editor like nano or vi where you can edit the commit message title and add/edit the description.

  10. Next, you can push your changes to your fork:

    Terminal window
    git push origin branch/name-here

Proposing a Pull Request (PR)

After you’ve committed your changes, check here for how to open a Pull Request.

Quick commands reference

A quick reference to the commands that you will need when working.

pnpm testRun all JS tests in the system, including client, server, lint and challenge tests.
pnpm run test-clientRun the client test suite.
pnpm run test-client -uRun the client test suite, updating the Jest snapshots that are out of sync.
pnpm run test:curriculumRun the curriculum test suite.
FCC_BLOCK='Basic HTML and HTML5' pnpm run test:curriculumTest a specific Block.
FCC_SUPERBLOCK='responsive-web-design' pnpm run test:curriculumTest a specific SuperBlock.
pnpm run test-curriculum-full-outputRun the curriculum test suite, without bailing after the first error
pnpm run test-serverRun the server test suite.
pnpm run playwright:runRun the Playwright end to end tests.
pnpm run cleanUninstalls all dependencies and cleans up caches.
pnpm run storybookStarts Storybook for component library development.